NORASYSTEM® Odor Destroyer - Composting Site Applications

NORASYSTEM® Composting Site Business Solution
All composting site odor sources are eliminated with the non-toxic natural odorous gases crystallization catalyst.

Forced Air Composting odor destruction
Atomized right into the compost piles, the NORASYSTEM® catalyst odor destroyer crystallizes the odorous gases at the very source.

Static Pile Composting Odor Destruction
Atomized above the piles, NORASYSTEM® catalyst odor destroyer crystallizes the odorous gases released to atmosphere.

Fogging Composting Site Odor Destruction
Fogging the NORASYSTEM® catalyst odor destroyer at composting site crystallizes odorous gases drifting to atmosphere.

Leachate Composting Odor Destruction
Leachate lagunas odor destruction with NORASYSTEM® catalyst to crystallize odorous gases released over water.

Atomizing Cannon Organic Piles Odor Destruction
Atomizing cannon spreads NORASYSTEM® odor destruction catalyst over piles of organic temporary storage.

Composting Biofilters and Scrubbers
First true odor-destroyer, patented NORASYSTEM® makes your biofilter really work by destroying odorous gases.

Compost Windrow Turner Odor Destruction
Mounted atomizing system delivers NORASYSTEM® odor destruction catalyst over piles while turned to destroy odorous gases.